We are in an important moment, but it is trying.
Amidst the danger and the fear, many are fighting for change. Survival. It’s important we all find ways to use this time to build mental resilience. Arundhati Roy called Coronavirus a portal. To pass through, we must find ways to build our capacity to support ourselves and the communities that need us.
So, we’ll be sharing our mental health coping strategies in June. Desert Salon isn’t a therapy space nor facilitated by a mental health professional, but it can be therapeutic to hold space for each other and pool our resources.
Here are some resources to start with. Feel free to send over more if you’d like to add to this list.
Some of Annika Hansteen-Izora’s lovely work
Formerly the Icarus Project’s and now the Fireweed Collective’s extensive resource kit on peer support, resilience and more
Some thoughts on meditation and focus from adrienne marie brown
We’ll be using Zoom once again so no amount of distance is an obstacle. All are welcome to join us on June 28th 11:30 AM, PST. Make sure to RSVP for meeting info. See you soon.
The Desert Salon is not a class: it rejects the roles of teacher and student. The Desert Salon is radical: it rejects the divisions that the world makes between us based on skin, ableism, sex, gender, or class. Past meetings have discussed things as massive as the the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Heteropatriarchy and as local as water price changes. Being a radical is not a requirement, but you just might be inspired.