Following California Governor Gavin Newsome and Boris Johnson’s announcements of the ‘not lockdowns’, we thought it important that we wade through the myriad of issues that come with this pandemic. We in no way underestimate the seriousness of coronavirus and we absolutely DO NOT want anyone to go against the advisories in place. We want everyone to stay safe, and if they can, stay indoors. Here we are presenting a couple of things to be thinking through while you are doing what you can to keep from getting yourself and others infected.
The UK government has been going on about how a key element of how we survive coronavirus is about compassion. Coronavirus really IS a test of how we treat each other. There are a number of digital communities arising to offer support to those who aren’t lucky enough to have friends or loved ones or have them nearby, and aside from getting involved in one of these groups, you can also exercise your empathetic muscle in an individual way. Check in with ALL your networks. Keep a regular and daily eye on friends, family and neighbours. If you know someone who is struggling, or could be struggling, don’t wait for them to ask for help. Not everyone has the capacity to reach out. Also, not everyone is a NEET or hikikomori.
What this pandemic is publicly exposing is who we are on the inside. The UK government is concerned that people are still going out despite the measures that have been implemented, and to be honest I am not surprised. Part of the issue is that we have been socialised to believe it is ok to put ourselves first at the expense of others, and that we have the right to do as we please without considering our impact. Now it is not as simple and straightforward as what I have just said of course, but the core logic is there. We CAN do as we please yes, but it shouldn’t be causing others harm in the process.
The Privilege of Staying Indoors
If you are a gig worker (for example Deliveroo or Postmates), domestic worker, in the service industry (in the US), homeless, a refugee, and/or suffer from mental health issues staying at home is not as simple or even possible. The reality is if you have a job for example in an office, have support from friends and family, and are free from harm of any kind, you can choose to stay indoors. Many countries have taken or are trying to take steps to relieve those who need to work to stay housed or fed. This may not reach everyone. Reach out to your neighbours, build alternative supply chains with friends, link up with relief systems in your city or town if you can.
At the same time, staying indoors can also be a different kind of dangerous. There have already been reports that domestic violence has increased with people quarantining themselves and similar issues have to be taken into account with any measures implemented and the kinds of support that need to remain available. In the case of the homeless, there was concern that the homeless would lose access to hostels as a result of social distancing measures, and while hotels are opening their doors to the homeless, there are concerns there are still not enough beds.
Branches of the Los Angeles Tenants Union have released demands that include the rights of prisoners to healthcare and safe shelter. Their demands remind us to think of the kinds of enforcement that are and could be further abused during this crisis. Undocumented folk should be able to have access to and seek healthcare without fear of arrest. People who are housed should be safe from eviction.
The Gendered Burden
The Guardian and the Atlantic both point out how it is assumed women will make up the majority of the slack because we’re all having to stay at home. This isn’t new sadly; countries expect free domestic labour from their feminine citizens. The least we can do as individuals is not expect the same from our loved ones. As it should be under normal circumstances, do not assume that staying at home suddenly means having free time, and do not assume that someone else, be that your partner or anyone else, will automatically take care of the things that need doing around the house. Your living space should be communally maintained.
Shutting down travel and associating viral transmission with foreigners feeds nicely into the racists’ hands. The new powers of the police in the UK and increased military presence in other countries are how oppressive regimes start. I am not saying that the measures countries like the UK are taking shouldn’t be happening, but it can be a slippery slope. Your new neighbour is not your enemy. This is not China’s fault. This virus compromises weak immune systems no matter where you’re from.
Who Gets Access to What
In the UK, the government has covered 80% of the salaries of business they’ve asked to close and have nationalised the railways in an effort to keep the economy going. Sky News keeps commenting how unexpected it has been to see such a right leaning Tory government enacting leftist policies that were rejected just months before. This conservatives-talking-leftist is also eerily echoed in the States. Tax payment deadlines have been extended, and the self-employed currently have access to universal credit, employment and support allowance.
There is a lot being poured in to the British and US economies and supporting businesses, but who qualifies and how? And what do you have to do to access it? As previously mentioned, gig workers are still having to continue their jobs as the coverage they have access to isn’t sufficient, but even the provisions that have been allotted to owners of small businesses and companies come with specific criteria that may mean that many do not qualify. Larger businesses are already faring better with these loans supposedly for ‘small’ businesses. What has also come to light is the sheer number of people applying to access support is contributing to how long it has taken people to receive financial support. We also heard that banks are starting to reject the applications of some businesses but UK Chancellor Sunak announced changes will be made to the emergency aid scheme for small businesses. Only time will tell.
We’re Doing Communism
Well, technically it’s socialism since these are governments that are dictating precautions to people. But here’s the thing, we should be doing it. Mandates to limit exposure, collective ownership of healthcare, mass producing ventilators, smaller supply chains so everyone can get what they need are all things we need to do to protect each other. It is strange to think about how we’re conditioned to believe that an overly stocked shelf is a sign that everything is ok. Our needs as people, as cities, as states are actually much smaller. We don’t need massive box stores full of things that quickly turn into waste. Or shelves emptied because people can turn a huge profit from price gouging.
But, we also have to be careful about who we make compromises to. We have historically given away our rights to political leaders in times of crisis in exchange for ‘security’. It has not always been to the benefit of all. It can be socialism…but also fascism. A leader can nationalize production, call a halt on mortgage payments and issue a ‘stimulus’ but not give these to every person equally. A conservative government can suddenly start approving legislation that it once condemned. But a leader can present an open palm of relief to some and a closed fist to others. Be mindful of what your leaders not only offer you, but what they offer to those more vulnerable than you.
Taking Advantage of Paranoia
Speaking of mindfulness, think about how people share information with you: are they keeping you informed or driving you to panic? Are they giving you actions to look after yourself and those who are vulnerable or leaning in to your worst fears? This is a time when the predatory nature of capitalism will really hit you in the face. How reliable, for example, is Google’s recent offer to share people’s information to track whether they are adhering to social distancing or not? Elderly folks are warned to be wary of scammers who prey on their emotions, making them panic into giving away their money. We would all be wise to be wary of any business, news outlet, politician or otherwise who makes us feel that way.
Many people are made to feel like it’s their survival over yours. That doesn’t have to be true. China sent excess respirators to Italy. Cuba has sent doctors to five countries. A healer swears to heal all, no matter where they’re from.
The only way through this is together.