To describe life these days as overwhelming is an understatement. Staying safe, sane and functional can feel like juggling flame torches in a hurricane. For a change, we’re having an activity based meeting this month. We’ll be practicing the art of tapping into yourself to focus on goals or objectives--reaching the calm while in the storm. Gather your thoughts on what you’d like to focus on being or doing, with pen and paper handy.
This meeting will be on Zoom so no amount of distance is an obstacle. All are welcome to join us on September 26th at 1:30 PM, PST. Make sure to RSVP for meeting details.
See you soon.
The Desert Salon is not a class: it rejects the roles of teacher and student. The Desert Salon is radical: it rejects the divisions that the world makes between us based on skin, ableism, sex, gender, or class. Past meetings have discussed things as massive as the the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Heteropatriarchy and as local as water price changes. Being a radical is not a requirement, but you just might be inspired.