Finding people you enjoy spending time with seems to get harder with time—let alone people you trust. But it just becomes more and more important to do. The more often we get together for Salon, the more apparent it becomes that there is a lot of work to be done. But who’s going to do it? How does it get done? Where do these discussions happen? Can they happen?
That’s what we’ll discuss this month: how to find other open discussion spaces or to build one if there aren’t any around.
These are some of the works that inspired the creation of the Desert Salon. Maybe they’ll inspire you too:
Paolo Freire’s timeless work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. It’s started revolutions in people’s minds, villages and countries all over the world.
adrienne marie brown’s Emergent Strategy, the facilitator’s bible and a hopeful vision of how we can navigate the future as community.
Rather than bore you with the history of salons, check out Season 3 of Black Sails for an example, even if it’s fiction.
Princess Cyd, a film about many things, including the dreamiest sort of artists gathering/salon.
This meeting will be on Zoom so no amount of distance is an obstacle. All are welcome to join us on March 28th at 11:30 AM, PST. Make sure to RSVP for meeting details.
See you soon.
The Desert Salon is not a class: it rejects the roles of teacher and student. The Desert Salon is radical: it rejects the divisions that the world makes between us based on skin, ableism, sex, gender, or class. Past meetings have discussed things as massive as the the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Heteropatriarchy and as local as water price changes. Being a radical is not a requirement, but you just might be inspired.