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Desert Salon: Making Change Through Community Continues

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Something we kept coming back to in September was how hard it can be to talk to people who are different from us. Not to collect votes or souls either, just to be in relationships with actual diversity. And yet…there are many in our lives we don’t agree with, who don’t look like us. It is possible. It is necessary.

So, we’ll keep talking about making change through community in October. We’ll be focusing on those important personal relationships/groups across lines and borders so come with stories! Especially successful ones ;)

Here are more places to go for inspiration in the meantime:

  • A powerful speech by Mia Mingus on finding each other (some survivor content may be triggering)

  • adrienne marie brown’s thoughts on breaking through white supremacy (in text and in a lovely, longer podcast on listening)

This meeting will be on Zoom so no amount of distance is an obstacle. All are welcome to join us on October 25th 11:30 AM, PST. Make sure to RSVP for meeting details.

See you soon.

The Desert Salon is not a class: it rejects the roles of teacher and student. The Desert Salon is radical: it rejects the divisions that the world makes between us based on skin, ableism, sex, gender, or class. Past meetings have discussed things as massive as the the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Heteropatriarchy and as local as water price changes. Being a radical is not a requirement, but you just might be inspired.

Make sure to RSVP below for details!