In October, Saloners will discuss the prime trickster of myth, stealer of chickens, political illusionist: the fox. We’ll focus on the human genus of this creature: how one is made, how to spot one, how not to become one, and perhaps even how to free people from their illusion.
Suggested readings come from Ola Ojewumi and namer of foxes himself, Malcolm X. Contact us here at The Turn Left with any questions or suggestions.
See you Salon Sunday, October 275th.
The Desert Salon is not a class: it rejects the roles of teacher and student. The Desert Salon is radical: it rejects the divisions that the world makes between us based on skin, ableism, sex, gender, or class. Past meetings have discussed things as massive as the the Imperialist White-Supremacist Capitalist Heteropatriarchy and as local as water price changes. Being a radical is not a requirement, but you just might be inspired.